Το 2010 λοιπόν, στην αντίστοιχη σύνοδο του Ινστιτούτου συμμετείχαν ΔΥΟ πασίγνωστα πλέον πρόσωπα, δύο εξέχοντα μέλη του παγκοσμίου οικονομικού στερεώματος: Η κυρία Ξαφά και ο κύριος Μαργέλλος! Με την ιδιότητα τους ως στελέχη της IJPartners!
Βιαστήκαμε λοιπόν να γράψουμε ότι “Δεν υπάρχει κυβέρνηση”. Προφανώς ο πρωθυπουργός έχει πάρει προσωπικά το θέμα της σωτηρίας της πατρίδας και σε κάποιο από τα ραντεβού του με τον κύριο Μαργέλλο, οπωσδήποτε θα συζήτησαν και την πρωτοβουλία του Ινστιτούτου. Αφού γνωρίζει ο …αρχηγός, περιττεύει ο Βενιζέλος!
Η Νέα Δημοκρατία όμως πως θα αντιδράσει; Να κάνει μία παρέμβαση βρε αδερφέ, για να μάθει ο Ελληνικός λαός το θεσμικό πλαίσιο της πρωτοβουλίας αυτής. Να ρωτήσει “Γιατί δεν συμμετέχουν και φέτος ο κύριος Μαργέλλος και η κυρία Ξαφά”, για να βοηθήσουν στην πρωτοβουλία…
Η απάντηση θα μπορούσε να είναι ότι μετά την διαφήμιση που τους έκανε ο Πάνος Καμμένος, αραίωσαν τις επίσημες εμφανίσεις τους λόγω …μετριοφροσύνης. Πέρυσι βλέπετε δεν τους ήξερε ο κόσμος. Μεγάλη δουλειά να περνάς απαρατήρητος σε τέτοιες πρωτοβουλίες.
Καμαρώστε τα παιδιά μας (όλο το περυσινό πρόγραμμα ΕΔΩ):
σελίδα 28:
The challenges faced by high-deficit and large-public debt
euro area countries and the EU’s efforts in general to
establish an appropriate debt crisis management framework
were the subject of conference call discussions during the
last quarter of 2010 by both the PCG and the IIF’s Special
Committee on Financial Crisis Prevention and Resolution
(see the Special Committee on Financial Crisis Prevention
and Resolution section on page 31). The PCG reviewed
developments in Greece and Ireland, and, more specifically,
the Irish authorities’ efforts to address the deteriorating
quality of bank assets in the aftermath of the collapse of
the housing boom and the exchange offers to holders of
subordinated bank debt. The PCG also closely monitored
the proposals put forward by the EU to facilitate debt
Box 3C: Principles Consultative Group (as of December 2010)
Maria Ramos
ABSA Group
Monika Machon
AIG Investments
Hartadi A. Sarwono
Bank Indonesia
Saeed Ladjevardi
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi
UFJ, Ltd.
Elaine Murphy
Bayern LB
Jean Lemierre
BNP Paribas
William F. Williams
BNY Mellon
Luiz Pereira da Silva
Central Bank of Brazil
Jón Sigurgeirsson
Central Bank of Iceland
Alexey Ulyukaev
Central Bank of the Russian
William Rhodes
Kamil Janáček
Czech National Bank
Dagmar Linder
Deutsche Bank AG
Nasser Saidi
Dubai International Financial
László Búzás
Government Debt Management
Agency (AKK)
Hans J. Humes
Greylock Capital Managements,
Robert Gray
HSBC Bank, Plc.
Miranda Xafa
IJ Partners SA
György Surányi
Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
Faouzia Zaaboul
Ministry of Economy and
Finance, Morocco
Luis Miguel Castilla Rubio
Ministry of Economy and
Finance, Peru
Manal Hussein Abdel Razek
Ministry of Finance, Egypt
Dominik Radziwiłł
Ministry of Finance, Poland
Dmitry Pankin
Ministry of Finance of the
Russian Federation
Je-Yoon Shin
Ministry of Strategy and
Finance, Korea
Lungisa Fuzile
National Treasury, Republic of
South Africa
Derrill Allatt
Newstate Partners LLP
Soroosh Shambayati
Nomura International
Yi Gang
People’s Bank of China
Ernest Stern
The Rohatyn Group
Terry Fryett
Jose Antonio Meade
Secretariat of Finance and
Public Credit, Mexico
Brett Hammond
TIAA-CREF Asset Management
Ibrahim Çanakci
Undersecretariat of Treasury,
euro area countries and the EU’s efforts in general to
establish an appropriate debt crisis management framework
were the subject of conference call discussions during the
last quarter of 2010 by both the PCG and the IIF’s Special
Committee on Financial Crisis Prevention and Resolution
(see the Special Committee on Financial Crisis Prevention
and Resolution section on page 31). The PCG reviewed
developments in Greece and Ireland, and, more specifically,
the Irish authorities’ efforts to address the deteriorating
quality of bank assets in the aftermath of the collapse of
the housing boom and the exchange offers to holders of
subordinated bank debt. The PCG also closely monitored
the proposals put forward by the EU to facilitate debt
Box 3C: Principles Consultative Group (as of December 2010)
Maria Ramos
ABSA Group
Monika Machon
AIG Investments
Hartadi A. Sarwono
Bank Indonesia
Saeed Ladjevardi
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi
UFJ, Ltd.
Elaine Murphy
Bayern LB
Jean Lemierre
BNP Paribas
William F. Williams
BNY Mellon
Luiz Pereira da Silva
Central Bank of Brazil
Jón Sigurgeirsson
Central Bank of Iceland
Alexey Ulyukaev
Central Bank of the Russian
William Rhodes
Kamil Janáček
Czech National Bank
Dagmar Linder
Deutsche Bank AG
Nasser Saidi
Dubai International Financial
László Búzás
Government Debt Management
Agency (AKK)
Hans J. Humes
Greylock Capital Managements,
Robert Gray
HSBC Bank, Plc.
Miranda Xafa
IJ Partners SA
György Surányi
Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
Faouzia Zaaboul
Ministry of Economy and
Finance, Morocco
Luis Miguel Castilla Rubio
Ministry of Economy and
Finance, Peru
Manal Hussein Abdel Razek
Ministry of Finance, Egypt
Dominik Radziwiłł
Ministry of Finance, Poland
Dmitry Pankin
Ministry of Finance of the
Russian Federation
Je-Yoon Shin
Ministry of Strategy and
Finance, Korea
Lungisa Fuzile
National Treasury, Republic of
South Africa
Derrill Allatt
Newstate Partners LLP
Soroosh Shambayati
Nomura International
Yi Gang
People’s Bank of China
Ernest Stern
The Rohatyn Group
Terry Fryett
Jose Antonio Meade
Secretariat of Finance and
Public Credit, Mexico
Brett Hammond
TIAA-CREF Asset Management
Ibrahim Çanakci
Undersecretariat of Treasury,
σελίδα 31:
Special Committ ee on Financial Crisis Prevention and Resolution The Institute’s Special Committee on Financial Crisis Prevention and Resolution (see box 3D), co-chaired by William Rhodes, Senior Advisor, Citi, and Jean Lemierre,
Senior Advisor to the Chairman of BNP Paribas, was established in 2001 to provide guidance on the Institute’s
work on prevention and resolution of financial crises and undertake broad-based efforts to address policy issues
affecting emerging markets.
Box 3D: Special Committee on Financial Crisis Prevention and Resolution (as of December 2010)
Jean Lemierre
BNP Paribas
William Rhodes
Maria Ramos
ABSA Group Limited
Michael Heise
Allianz Group
Walter Bayly
Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP)
Takashi Morimura
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi
UFJ, Ltd.
Gerd Häusler
Bayern LB
Ignacio Deschamps
William Williams
BNY Mellon
Henri Kuppers
Credit Agricole CIB
Luis Freitas de Oliveira
Capital International S.A.
Marcus Chromik
Commerzbank AG
David Mulford
Credit Suisse Group
Dagmar Linder
Deutsche Bank AG
Choi Chong-Suk
Hana Bank
Frank Savage
Hinduja Capital Advisors, Inc.
Robert B. Gray
HSBC Bank, Plc.
Theodore Margellos
IJ Partners SA
Roberto Setúbal
Itaú Unibanco S/A
Jacob A. Frenkel
JPMorgan Chase International
Nicolas Aguzin
J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.
Eric Lalo
Lazard Frères
Derrill Allatt
Newstate Partners LLP
Ernest Stern
The Rohatyn Group
Francisco Luzón Lopez
Santander S.A.
Rob Pitfield
Olivier de Boysson
Société Générale
George R. Hoguet
State Street Global Advisors
Alberto Musalem Borrero
Tudor Investment Corporation
Tayfun Bayazit
Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S.
Franjo Luković
Zagrebacka Banka d.d.
Daniel W. Riordan
Senior Advisor to the Chairman of BNP Paribas, was established in 2001 to provide guidance on the Institute’s
work on prevention and resolution of financial crises and undertake broad-based efforts to address policy issues
affecting emerging markets.
Box 3D: Special Committee on Financial Crisis Prevention and Resolution (as of December 2010)
Jean Lemierre
BNP Paribas
William Rhodes
Maria Ramos
ABSA Group Limited
Michael Heise
Allianz Group
Walter Bayly
Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP)
Takashi Morimura
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi
UFJ, Ltd.
Gerd Häusler
Bayern LB
Ignacio Deschamps
William Williams
BNY Mellon
Henri Kuppers
Credit Agricole CIB
Luis Freitas de Oliveira
Capital International S.A.
Marcus Chromik
Commerzbank AG
David Mulford
Credit Suisse Group
Dagmar Linder
Deutsche Bank AG
Choi Chong-Suk
Hana Bank
Frank Savage
Hinduja Capital Advisors, Inc.
Robert B. Gray
HSBC Bank, Plc.
Theodore Margellos
IJ Partners SA
Roberto Setúbal
Itaú Unibanco S/A
Jacob A. Frenkel
JPMorgan Chase International
Nicolas Aguzin
J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.
Eric Lalo
Lazard Frères
Derrill Allatt
Newstate Partners LLP
Ernest Stern
The Rohatyn Group
Francisco Luzón Lopez
Santander S.A.
Rob Pitfield
Olivier de Boysson
Société Générale
George R. Hoguet
State Street Global Advisors
Alberto Musalem Borrero
Tudor Investment Corporation
Tayfun Bayazit
Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S.
Franjo Luković
Zagrebacka Banka d.d.
Daniel W. Riordan
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